Welcome to Christian Unity

Our Journey of Faith

Christian Unity Baptist Church is a vibrant community where the light of Christ shines brightly. Our belief in the Scriptures is unwavering, recognizing one true and infinite God, Jehovah. We honor and love Him, wholeheartedly trusting in His sovereignty over heaven and earth. Embracing the unity of the Godhead, we acknowledge the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in divine perfection yet fulfilling distinct roles in redemption. With grateful hearts, we celebrate the victory granted to us by God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Come join us on this faith-filled journey towards spiritual growth and fellowship.

Our Mission

To fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and ministering to the needs of the saved and unsaved people.

Our Core Values

Worshiping God wholeheartedly
Carrying out the Great Commission
Maintaining a godly testimony

Our Approach to Ministry

We strive to serve our community in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ

Preaching the Gospel

We proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, sharing His love, grace, and salvation with all.

Living with Integrity

We conduct ourselves in alignment with God’s Word, demonstrating honesty, sincerity, and moral uprightness.

Caring for Souls

We prioritize the spiritual and emotional well-being of individuals, offering support, guidance, and compassionate care.

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